Thursday, April 30, 2009

People Watching

In a Starbucks right now, more out of necessity than choice, but in a Starbucks nonetheless. It dawned on me that people watching may be one of the best activities ever. It can be done anywhere at anytime and can be entertaining for hours. Here I am, giving the impression that I'm hard at work on something important, but no. I am writing a blog about watching people interact with other people, coming and going, carrying on their daily lives. And it is fantastic. I overheard some loud woman on her cell phone talking about 'Smokies'. If you don't know, Smokies are cocktail hotdog wieners (weiners?). So here she is, dumping half and half and sugar into her latte, rambling on with some other shiksa about how much her kids "just love Smokies", and I'm thinking two things; 1)her kids are probably obese and 2) I am scared to get a woman pregnant and have her body go to shit. Sorry if anyone is offended by this, but it bothers the hell out of me. I know it's insensitive, but it needs to be said. Women, don't use pregnancy as an excuse to let yourself go. Stay in shape while you're gestating. If Hollywood can do it, so can the average lady. Guys, you know what I'm talking about. Anyway, so all of this came about as a product of people watching in a Starbucks. I won't even start to describe the barista who is high on God knows what. Looks a little like Lou Diamond Phillips, somewhere between La Bamba and Young Guns. I wish someone was with me to witness this.

People watching. It's kinda like... - BS

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Women Drivers...

I think in a lot of states, it's illegal to drive with a cell phone only because of women and the accidents they cause. I was driving home from work today and saw a woman drive 10 miles an hour below the speak limit (45 mph). I couldn't pass but when I finally had the opportunity I saw this lady laughing her ass off on the cell phone. I guess she missed the right turn she was going to make and decided she should do it from the left lane... Too bad there was another car there. I made a left through a light and couldn't stop, but if I could... I would have just to tell her what a dumb ass she was. I didn't get this on tape but found some highlights of some other dumb women drivers. Enjoy!!

Sunday, April 26, 2009


When people used to talk about global warming, I didn't take it very seriously. I mean, I always knew there was a problem, but I guess I never wanted to think about how serious it was. Today in NY, we set a record today when the temperature reached 90 degrees. 90 degrees. I have talked about it before in a previous post, so I guess I am quite concerned. Take a look at some of these facts.

• Average temperatures have climbed 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit (0.8 degree Celsius) around the world since 1880, much of this in recent decades, according to NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies.

• The rate of warming is increasing. The 20th century's last two decades were the hottest in 400 years and possibly the warmest for several millennia, according to a number of climate studies. And the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports that 11 of the past 12 years are among the dozen warmest since 1850.

• The Arctic is feeling the effects the most. Average temperatures in Alaska, western Canada, and eastern Russia have risen at twice the global average, according to the multinational Arctic Climate Impact Assessment report compiled between 2000 and 2004.

• Arctic ice is rapidly disappearing, and the region may have its first completely ice-free summer by 2040 or earlier. Polar bears and indigenous cultures are already suffering from the sea-ice loss.

• Glaciers and mountain snows are rapidly melting—for example, Montana's Glacier National Park now has only 27 glaciers, versus 150 in 1910. In the Northern Hemisphere, thaws also come a week earlier in spring and freezes begin a week later.

• Industrialization, deforestation, and pollution have greatly increased atmospheric concentrations of water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide, all greenhouse gases that help trap heat near Earth's surface. (See an interactive feature on how global warming works.)

• Humans are pouring carbon dioxide into the atmosphere much faster than plants and oceans can absorb it.


Global Warming, I'ts Kinda Like... -C-

Friday, April 24, 2009

Eminem's New Video

I haven't had the chance to really listen to the song but I'm looking forward to his new CD Relapse. This is the new video. It's pretty funny.

Rick Ross Challenge???

It's kinda like... -D-

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Goldman Sachs Bailout

I like the Daily Show with John Stewert. He's a funny guy and calls out a lot of people for being shady or just plain stupid. I liked his take on Goldman Sach's recent $1.5 billion profit

The Daily Show With Jon StewartM - Th 11p / 10c
Clusterfu#@k to the Poor House - Goldman Sachs' Connections
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Economic CrisisPolitical Humor

It's kinda like... -D-

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Ill Make Him an Offer

So last night I had 3 hours to kill, so I threw in what I think is the best movie of all time. I think this sound byte says it all.

The Godfather. Yes of course, the timeless 1972 crime drama that was adapted from the amazing novel by Mario Puzo. The movie was directed by Franics Coppola and stars Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, James Caan, and bunch of others. This movie one the academy award for best picture, best actor, and best adapted screen play, and actually, is the only movie to ever win best picture for a sequel in Godfather II.

There are so many great, great scenes but I thought I'd list some of mine, and hoped to get your comments on yours. Of course, who can forget the scene when Jack Woltz does not give Johnny Fontane the part in the film. So, the Godfather makes him an offer he can't refuse.

Or what about the scene in the Italian restaurant, when Michael and Solozzo sit down for a nice meal with that crooked police captain McCluskey. Michael excuses himself to go to the bathroom, and when he comes out...well...its kinda like...

Who can forget this classic line...

Alright alright, that's my version, let me know what u think.

The Godfather, It's Kinda Like.

Monday, April 20, 2009


There is no “I” in TEAM is a bit of a cliché but I’ve found it rings true, not only on the field but also in the professional world. Growing up as an athlete, you must learn to trust the person aside of you and play your position to the best of your ability. The whole is superior to the sum of all parts. As a team you must know not only your own strengths and weaknesses but those of the people beside you. In a work environment you are able to utilize your strengths to compliment the weaknesses of your colleagues/teammates and vice versa.

Each individual member must subordinate itself to the team as a whole. We all know the professional athletes or “stars” that don’t conform to the team environment. Look at T.O. with the Eagles and Cowboys… He thought he was above his teams. Where did it get him? Buffalo! With a weak contract (considering his talent)! No one wanted him with his attitude.

On the other side there is Randy Moss. Yeah, he was hated in Minnesota and Oakland. But when forced to conform and understand his roll, he had the best season of his career. Maybe T.O. will also understand this but I don’t think Buffalo is the place for that.

It’s kinda funny how this topic ended up where it did, with Buffalo. I saw a video on Youtube that made me think about this. There is strength in numbers. Gotta watch it though.

Teamwork, it's kinda like... -D-

Sunday, April 19, 2009


The NY Yankees are the most historic and successful franchise in all of sports. With 26 world championships they have earned these accolades and all the respect, and of course money that comes along with it. Because they are so famous, the have a a payroll that is well over 200 million dollars, with about a billion dollars in contracts tied up amongst 5 players. Additionally, they just opened a new 1.5 billion dollar stadium that is absolutely amazing. I mean, the beers are 9$ and a hot dog 5.50, but still, the place is great.

So, as a yankee fan, Im obviously cool with the Yankees being the rich guys of the MLB. I mean, to me, if you're the best, you will have the most money and therefore recruit the best players. What I am not cool with though... 225 million dollars worth of embarrassment as the yankees lost yesterday, during their first series in the new stadium by a score of 22-4. Yes, 22 runs scored against us. If I am the owner, and I'm shelling out that kind of money, I am going down to that locker room and literally ripping someone's head off. I mean, that is beyond embarrassing. So, I am heading to yankee game today, and hoping that my rich team starts playing like the millionare's they are. Because if this shit continues, I will not be a happy season ticket holder, and will be complaining quite often on how the Yankees are kinda like shit.

NY Yankees, It's Kinda Like...-C-

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Playoffs

It's that time of the year again, the NBA Playoffs. It's such a dramatic finish to a long season and a lot of games. This is when everyone and all teams have to be at the top of their game.

As a Celtics fan I'm sure you can imagine my disappointment in finding out that Kevin Garnett may not be around to take them all the way again. Now, he has been out for a good part of the season and I can't say we did too bad, finishing second in the East. But with all opponents at another level, you need all the weapons you can use. Peirce and Allen are great but that 20 footer from Garnett is unstoppable. There are a lot of great teams out there like Cleveland, Oralando and LA that will expose this weakness. I hope the Cavs coach is right in not believing this until he sees it.

But speaking of LA, I heard of a sports betting site that is so sure they are not going to win they will refund your bets if they do. So if you bet on any team and the Lakers win, you get a 100% refund on your bet up to $600. Could be a huge hit for that site.

This next video is just crazy... Watch the face of the guy coming in from the left side of the sreen.

The playoffs... It's kinda like -D-

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Personal First Aid Kit

Imagine one day you walk into the doctor and you find out you have some sort of terrible disease. Let's hope this never happens. But, you never know right. So the doc says, I'm sorry but you have severe heart disease and your heart will fail in about a year. You go into a panic, and then start to freak out. But then, the doctor tells you that he could take a skin cell from your arm, and turn into millions of heart muscle and replace the damaged muscles in your failing heart, thus restoring your heart's normal function. No way. Can that happen?? As of now, no, but the technology does exist...and it is all thanks to Stem Cells.

Embryonic Stem Cells are cells that can turn into any cell in our body...brain, heart, liver, pancreas, etc. Because of this remarkable property, embryonic stem cells offer promise for replacing damage cells or tissues in disease. However, a major problem lies in the source of these cells. As indicated by the name, these cells come from embryos, and as you can imagine, that could be a problem. Until now. One bad ass scientist showed that you can turn skin cells, into embryonic stem cells. These new cells are called IPS cells. Check it out...

And so now, in theory, if you have a bad heart, we can take your skin, make these IPS cells, and generate a new heart.

Additionally, we can use these IPS cells to study disease. For example, we can take skin from ALS patients, turn them into IPS cells, then go ahead and make the cells that normally die in ALS. We can then watch these cells die in the culture dish, and study how, and even better, screen drugs against them to see if we can keep them alive. There have already been major breakthroughs with blood disorders such as sickle cell anemia using IPS cell technology. Check it out.

In no way am I suggesting that we can cure all disease, but I am suggesting we now, for the first time, have the tools necessary to really try to cure disease. And those tools are stem cells. So, read up, and do your homework and please support this essential branch of biomedical research.

Stem Cells, It's Kinda Like...-C-

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Apple, and the Takeover...

For many years, Microsoft has completely dominated the PC market. Apple has always been around but could not find that opening to cut into their rival’s market share. Until now…

It’s become hip, or trendy, to own a Mac. Is this a fad? I don’t think so. I’m not a Mac user personally, but I’ve heard that their computers are far superior to those of Microsoft, from artistic applications and ease of use to virus protection and functionality. But how did they do it? Was it a brilliantly laid out marketing scheme? Could be. Over the past couple of years Apple has made Microsoft look like a dinosaur. And the buck doesn’t stop there…

PCs are just one facet of Apple’s business. The iPod revolutionized the mp3 player and the iPhone, the cell phone. If you put together their supremacy in those markets, I think they are here to stay.

Speaking of the iPhone, remember when it used to be $500 to buy one? They couldn’t keep them on the shelves. But still they lower the prices. Not everyone can afford a $500 phone but maybe their profits could have been a lot higher. I don’t think this is their aim right now. Steve Jobs and his crew are looking at future domination. Apple products in every home. If you sell iPhones at $200, more people buy them. Most likely they already had an iPod. And who doesn’t use iTunes (FREE) to organize and listen to their music? Pretty soon it’s only going to make sense to have a Mac and seamlessly sync all of your electronics and applications.

Jobs is the man! He’s been having some health problems lately and I hope he’s OK. Not only because he’s a person, battling a terrible disease but also because he’s leading the future of technology. I’m looking forward to seeing what they come out with next.

Apple, it's kinda like... -D-

Amazing Technology

There are certain thing we use often now a days that we take for granted. Cell phones for the hell do they work. One thing that always blew my mind was the fax machine.

Think about it. I'm in New York. I put a piece of paper in this machine, and in 1 minute, the exact same copy comes out of a different machine in California. The crazy thing is, that piece of paper somehow gets coded into something that goes through a phone line. WTF. How????

Fax machines, in short, digitize an image by converting it into a crazy series of dots, which then are converted to electrical impulses which can be sent through a phone line. To send a fax, a piece of paper is attached to a rotating drum, with the print facing outward. A small photo sensor containing a lens and a light, was attached to an arm that faced the sheet of paper. The arm moved downward over the sheet of paper from one end to the other as the sheet rotated on the drum. The photo sensor focused on a very small spot, which was either black or white, on the paper. The drum rotated, allowing the photo sensor to examine one line of paper at a time.

Ok so now, this information gets sent through a telephone line, using tones. If the spot of paper that the photo was looking white, a certain tone would be sent. If it was black, a different tone would be sent. These tones were actually different frequencies on the phone line – 800 Hertz for white and 1,300 Hertz for black. At the receiving end, there would be a similar rotating drum, with a "pen" to mark on the paper. When the receiving fax machine heard a 1,300-Hertz tone, it would apply the pen to the paper. When it heard an 800-Hertz tone, it would take the pen off the paper...thus producing the copy of your paper.

Pretty wild huh. Now you know how these babies work, and as they say, knowing is half the battle.

Fax machines, It's Kinda Like...-C-

$11 trillion update

This post is a follow up to the previous $11 trillion post. Check out this slide show to see who is actually holding the most US debt

Biggest Holders of US Government Debt

Owing this much money, It's Kinda Like... -D-

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Bayside High...

We all have favorite TV shows from back in the day we love to watch. Off the top of my head I can come up with a bunch. Who can forget the little loveable Arnold... What you talkin' about Mr. Drummond from Different Strokes. Or what about the original TGIF line up, c'mon, that was classic. Perfect Strangers, with Balki saying, "Don't be Ridiculous". Full House, with the so good and non vulgar Bob Sagat. Just the Ten of Us, and of course, Family Matters, which always, at some point ended with soft music and a hug. But to me, there is only one old school TV show that brings me back in the day. A show that I still watch today, and will still watch 20 years from now. Click below, and sing along....

Ahh yes, Bayside High, so good, so dramatic, and you all watched it....most of you still do. What I did not know is that Saved by the Bell originally was called Good Morning Ms. Bliss. This was cancelled after 13 shows and picked up by NBC where it was re-vamped and turned into Saved by the Bell.

So many good episodes to mention, but I thought I would go through some of my favorites. Who could forget the classic when Kelly fell for that dude Jeff and was sneaking out to the Attic to see him. She proceeds to dump Zack for Jeff at their prom...bitch. Or the one when Jessie takes all the caffeine pills and starts to sing...Im so excited, Im so excited, Im so.....SCARED!!! What about Rod Belding. Screech and Lisa doing the "sprain". Zack Attack. We bad you knew it, you cheated, you blew it. Snow White and the Seven Dorks. Buddy Bands. Love Cuffs.

These are just a small few. Please check out the links below, and please comment and let me know your favorite episode or moment from this classic, timeless show.

Saved by the Bell, It's Kinda Like -C-

You Tube...

This guy just losses it...

Yo C I hope your Jersey boys don't try to pull this down here...

You Tube, it's kinda like... -D-

Sunday, April 12, 2009


So I'm all for rapid communication, and I totally am for the text message. But the younger generation takes it a bit too far. I mean, they will have 2 hour long text messages about something, when they can just pick up the phone and talk for 10 minutes. So I was thinking about this today, when I saw an 18 year old texting all morning, during breakfast. What is the deal? I think what we are seeing, is a branch point in evolution where technology has completely ruined our ability to interact with people. Why do we need to actually speak to someone when we could e-mail them or text them? This is our new generation. They do not know how to socially interact, but rather, they pick up a phone, text, or go online and send an e-mail.

This scares me. It really does. I mean, eventually, no one will physically talk to each other anymore. In 10 years, you will walk into the bank, walk up to the teller, and there will be a computer there. You will then type in, Hi how are you. They will write back, good how are you. Shit, our future children might evolve to have like 10 fingers on each hand, and no more vocal cords. Wow that would be weird.

Anyways, please save the future children, and actually converse sometimes. The excess texts gotta go. I mean, I'm not knocking the texts, just the hour long text conversations.

Evolution going down the drain, it's kinda like...-C

Friday, April 10, 2009

Part II

You gotta love hip-hop music. So good, yet sometimes, so fuuny. Ok, so my boy D put the challenge out there, so here we go. I got my top ten funny lines. Here we go. We love to hear your comments people, let us know what u think.

Girls and guns, All I want. Stock exchange, Rocks and thangs.
-Jay-Z, It's Like That

When you ready, shit I was born ready, And I was all ready on fish and spaghetti.
-Black Rob, Let's Get It

I like happy things, I'm really calm and peaceful. I like birds, bees, I like people
I like funny things that make me happy and gleeful, like when my teacher sucked my wee-wee in preschool.
-Eminem, I'm Shady

My mind's gota mind of it's own, sometimes I can't find it at home it hides in the stove. (Hello, where you at?) Shit, talk about your brain being baked, My shit's still in the oven on 480 Degrees.
-Eminem, If I get Locked Up.

Alright calm down, relax, start breathin.. Fuck that Shit! You just caught this bitch cheatin! While you at work she's with some dude tryin to get off?! Fuck slitting her throat, CUT THIS BITCH'S HEAD OFF!!! Wait! What if there's an explanation for this? What? She tripped, fell, and landed on his dick?!)
-Eminem, Guilty Conscience

With one leg left, now I'm hoppin around crippled I grabbed my pocket knife and sliced off her right nipple. Just trying to buy me some time, then I remembered this magic trick..Den Den Den Den Den Den, Go go gadget dick! Whipped that shit out, and aint no doubt about it. It hit the ground and caused an earthquake and power outage.
-Eminem, As the World Turns

When I met you I admit my first thoughts was to trick. You look so good huh, I suck on your daddy's dick.
-Notorious BIG, Me and My Bitch

Causin lyrical disasters, it's the master. Make music for Mini-Me's, models and Fat Bastards. These women tryin yo get me out my Pelle Pelle, They strip off my clothes and tell me, "Get in my belly.
-Ludacris, Number One Spot.

And you can catch me with a teletubby, holdin' my gat.
Noreaga, Bleeding from the Mouth.

I gotta question if I may? Is it gay to play Putt-Putt golf with a friend (Yeah)
And watch his butt-butt when he tees off? (Yeah) But, but! I ain't done yet. In football the quarterback yells out hutt-hutt While he reaches in another grown man's ass
Grabs on his nuts but just what if It was never meant it was just an accident
But he tripped, fell, slipped and his penis went in. His teeny tiny little round hiney but he didn't mean it But his little weenie flinched just a little bit
And I don't mean to go in into any more details but...What if he pictured it as a females butt? Is that gay? I just need to clear things up Til then i'll just walk around with a manly strut..
-Eminem, Rain Man.

Ahh man, gotta love it right. So many funny lines, but there is one king of crazy lyrics.
Eminem, it's kinda like...-C

Top Ten, Part 1

Those that know us, know that we are both huge hip-hop fans… I thought I would throw up a top ten. I’m probably missing some of my favorites, but here are ten lines that make me laugh every time I hear them. Yo C, can you top this?

So I jetted to the building lobby,
And it was full of children probably couldn’t see as high as I be
-Nas, N.Y. State of Mind

I’m interesting, the best thing since wrestling,
Infesting in your kids ears and nesting.
-Eminem, Without Me

Bitches I like ‘em brainless, guns I like ‘em stainless, steel
I want the fuckin’ fortune like the wheel
B.I.G., The What

I speak in schools a lot cuz they say I’m intelligent
NO! It’s cuz I’m dope, if I was wack I’d be irrelevant
Talib Kwali, Beautiful Struggle

You could be quick jump a candle stick, burn your back
and fuck Jill on a hill but you still ain’t Jack
Eminem, 313

Then you can catch me in Rome, mackin' some broads and stickin' 'em
And you'll be at home picking your bougas and flicking 'em
Luda, Cry Babies

Breakin’ niggas down like Evander Holifield, Chill… to the next episode
I make money and I really don’t love hoes
Snoop, The Shiznit

It’s a damn shame but you’re not though (Who?) ME!
Slick like el gato, fuckin’ Jay-Z
My pops knew exactly what he did when he made me
He tried to get a nut, and he got a nut and WHAT?
Jigga, Can’t knock the Hustle

You say you wanna kick it when I ain’t so high
Well baby it’s obvious I ain’t yo guy
Ain’t gon’ lie I’ll fill yo’ space and forget yo’ face
I swear I will…
T.I., My Love

First nigga to cook base on a Forman grill
You might win some but you just lost one
Kiss mis-educates them like Lauren Hill
Jada Kiss, Knock Yourself Out

When hip hop makes you laugh, it's kinda like... -D-

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Super Computer...

Every morning you wake up. You open your eyes, yawn, stretch and at this point one million things start coarsing throuhg your mind. Your remove the covers, step out of bed, walk to the bathroom, do your business, step into the shower, brush your teeth, get dressed and get ready for your day. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, the whole time you were doing all of this, your heart is beating, you are breathing, and myour muscles are contracting and relaxing.

We take these things for granted. I mean, why not right, we just do these things without thinking. But, there is a major force behind all of these things I mentioned, and all the things we do both consciously and unconscioulsy. Yes...I'm talking about the human brain.

What is a brain?
Okay, so your brain is wrinkled, soft and a little wet. It doesn't look like much. But it's made of more than 10 billion nerve cells and over 50 billion other cells and weighs less than 3 pounds! And it's the most extraordinary thing that you could possibly imagine! It monitors and regulates unconscious bodily processes like breathing and heart rate, and coordinates most voluntary movement. It's the site of consciousness, thought and creativity.

How does my brain communicate with my body?
Different parts of your brain do different things. Some areas receive messages from sense organs, others control balance and muscle coordination, still others handle speech, or emotion, memories, or basic motor skills, or complex calculations. You may think your heart is where you feel emotion, but it's really your brain. You may think your legs take you down the street, but it's your brain instructing the muscles in your legs to move. Your eyes may take in light and an image may be projected onto the pupil, but it's your brain that interprets what you get the picture.

All day long you are processing information and as you can imagine, your brain gets tired. At night, your body is literally paralized, and therefore, your brain doesn't have to worry about keeping it going. So, the brain during sleep files all the information during your day into memory and tries to make sense of what the hell you did all day. That is what dreams are. Muddled pictures and versions of things that popped into your head that day. Pretty crazy.

So, do me a favor people. Tomorrow when you wake up. Give your brain some credit. Say, thank you, and take care of it. Read books, solve puzzles, eat right...After all, your brain is the ultimate computer, and better than any laptop you could ever buy.

The human brain, it's kinda like... -C-

$11 trillion...

It’s funny how $1 billion doesn’t sound like a large amount of money anymore. With the government’s spending getting completely out of control, I guess all we can do is sit back and hope that it all works out, right? We currently have over $11 trillion in national debt and it made me think, who do we owe this money to? And how and when are we going to pay it back? Turns out the government owes this money “to the public (state governments, corporations, individuals, and foreign governments). Intragovernmental holdings are debt that is created when the government borrows from various federal agencies such as the Social Security Administration.”

Now, the first entities are fairly obvious. But wait… does the government really have a tab with Social Security? All I’ve heard about Social Security is that it’s going to run out. Now, obviously there is a small interest rate tacked onto that and the funds do need to be invested because the next generation’s payments alone aren’t enough to keep it afloat (sort of a giant Ponzi scheme if you ask me). But is the government still good for that? Or will we top Madoff for the biggest Ponzi scheme of all time?

I guess we can do what we’ve been doing and continue to print more money… Hello Inflation! I just wonder who is going to be left without a chair when the music stops…

I found this slideshow that I thought was interesting. Take a look… What does $1 TRILLION look like?

Our national debt, it's kinda like... -D-

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Rollin’ VIP

It was the MTV Music Awards… I have a friend that asked me to join him at one of the events. After working a double shift I was pretty spent that night but found out who we would be joining. A couple of high rollers with a past of Magnum bottles of Cristal and throwing hundreds of dollars in singles over balconies. I figured I had no choice but to suck it up and join the fun.

After a quick shower and change of fresh clothes we were off to Crobar. Upon approaching the entrance, we see these two billionaires still waiting outside. They couldn’t buy their way in. Things weren’t looking good but that didn’t stop us. When going out on South Beach a lot, you make a lot of connections. Turned out we had a friend running the party…

The velvet rope is lifted and we walk into the club with Xzibit. Pauly Shore must not be a big hip hop fan… Sitting by himself in the foyer, we walk by and he yells out “Oh shit it’s Dr. Dre!” Xzibit laughs, we give Pauly a pound and walk on. We get to the main doors and are told “it’s open bar top-shelf, have fun!”

Just when I didn’t think it could get any better… we walk in with one of my favorite song at the time playing, Jesus Walks by Kanye West. As I look up on the stage I see we also walked into a free concert, there he was. To be joined by Twista for the next song.

The party was hot! There were a long list of celebrities there that night… Nelly, Timbaland, Hulk Hogan, Jessica & Ashley Simpson, Ludacris, Dave Chappelle… to name a few. Eventually a lot of them started to clear out and our friends from outside join us. We get a table in VIP and watch it rain money over the balcony while sipping on Cris and Blue Label, hanging out with Tony Hawk and Steve-O from Jackass.

South Beach, it's kinda like… -D-

Snow in Spring...

Ok so what's the deal. I mean really. I look out the window this morning and I see snow. Yes, that's right snow. I should mention that it is currently April, you know, spring time, beautiful weather, flowers, etc.. I guess this global warning thing is real huh? I mean, if it snows all the way to April, eventually we will have no spring, no fall, and we will be down to Summer and Winter.

That sucks. So, do me a favor. Recycle, or some shit. I mean lets do something because I prefer not live in permanent winter and have to move to South America just to feel the sun. You saw that movie The Day After tomorrow right? That movie freaked my shit out. Snow is cool and all, I like to go sledding. But lets not go overboard.

Saving the planet, it's kinda like... -C-

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Riding the Bus in New York...

You probably hate to admit it, but when you were younger, you definitely tried to stand up on a moving bus or subway, without holding on to see if you could balance yourself.

This morning I was on a NYC bus during rush hour and I see a man in his late 20s, wearing a suit, carrying a briefcase, looking like every other robotic NYer get on the bus. Didn't think too much of it.

But then... Out of the corner of my eye... I see him move to the middle of the bus. I turn to watch him slowly lift one leg in the air and release his grip from the rails above. I thought to myself... this isn't Daniel-son. I see him trying to accomplish this same stunt that we all have attempted back in the day. There is no way this guy will pull off the crane though. I couldn't believe this dude was trying, but quite successfully I might add. Maybe he knows Miyagi?


I glanced to the front of the bus to catch a cabbie stopping short to pick up a couple of old women on an apparent shopping spree. The bus follows suit. This guy flies across the bus (must have traveled four rows), into some poor woman's lap, spilling her hot coffee all over his seemingly expensive suit. He let out a slight squeel, got up, looked around, and then ran to the back door to leave the bus. I looked at him, knowing it wasn't his stop, then shook my head.

Headphones back on... and the bus continues. Next stop MIDTOWN.

New York City buses, it's kinda like... -C-

Feelings of nostalgia...

Makes me think of our halloween party at the ghetto mansion... Speaking of which, we did tape it! Someone needs to get that from John.

Partying at "The U", it's what it was kinda like... -D-

Friday, April 3, 2009

It's Kinda Like

This is a new blog that will discuss various topics and what they're kinda like.