Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Snow in Spring...

Ok so what's the deal. I mean really. I look out the window this morning and I see snow. Yes, that's right snow. I should mention that it is currently April, you know, spring time, beautiful weather, flowers, etc.. I guess this global warning thing is real huh? I mean, if it snows all the way to April, eventually we will have no spring, no fall, and we will be down to Summer and Winter.

That sucks. So, do me a favor. Recycle, or some shit. I mean lets do something because I prefer not live in permanent winter and have to move to South America just to feel the sun. You saw that movie The Day After tomorrow right? That movie freaked my shit out. Snow is cool and all, I like to go sledding. But lets not go overboard.

Saving the planet, it's kinda like... -C-

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