Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Riding the Bus in New York...

You probably hate to admit it, but when you were younger, you definitely tried to stand up on a moving bus or subway, without holding on to see if you could balance yourself.

This morning I was on a NYC bus during rush hour and I see a man in his late 20s, wearing a suit, carrying a briefcase, looking like every other robotic NYer get on the bus. Didn't think too much of it.

But then... Out of the corner of my eye... I see him move to the middle of the bus. I turn to watch him slowly lift one leg in the air and release his grip from the rails above. I thought to myself... this isn't Daniel-son. I see him trying to accomplish this same stunt that we all have attempted back in the day. There is no way this guy will pull off the crane though. I couldn't believe this dude was trying, but quite successfully I might add. Maybe he knows Miyagi?


I glanced to the front of the bus to catch a cabbie stopping short to pick up a couple of old women on an apparent shopping spree. The bus follows suit. This guy flies across the bus (must have traveled four rows), into some poor woman's lap, spilling her hot coffee all over his seemingly expensive suit. He let out a slight squeel, got up, looked around, and then ran to the back door to leave the bus. I looked at him, knowing it wasn't his stop, then shook my head.

Headphones back on... and the bus continues. Next stop MIDTOWN.

New York City buses, it's kinda like... -C-

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