Monday, April 20, 2009


There is no “I” in TEAM is a bit of a cliché but I’ve found it rings true, not only on the field but also in the professional world. Growing up as an athlete, you must learn to trust the person aside of you and play your position to the best of your ability. The whole is superior to the sum of all parts. As a team you must know not only your own strengths and weaknesses but those of the people beside you. In a work environment you are able to utilize your strengths to compliment the weaknesses of your colleagues/teammates and vice versa.

Each individual member must subordinate itself to the team as a whole. We all know the professional athletes or “stars” that don’t conform to the team environment. Look at T.O. with the Eagles and Cowboys… He thought he was above his teams. Where did it get him? Buffalo! With a weak contract (considering his talent)! No one wanted him with his attitude.

On the other side there is Randy Moss. Yeah, he was hated in Minnesota and Oakland. But when forced to conform and understand his roll, he had the best season of his career. Maybe T.O. will also understand this but I don’t think Buffalo is the place for that.

It’s kinda funny how this topic ended up where it did, with Buffalo. I saw a video on Youtube that made me think about this. There is strength in numbers. Gotta watch it though.

Teamwork, it's kinda like... -D-

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that video is really cool and really made me see how teamwork is an evolutionary conserved process. We, as humans, use teamwork to get things done, the same way animals did and still do. Pretty wild huh. Evolution is crazy, and kinda like. -C-
