Thursday, April 9, 2009

Super Computer...

Every morning you wake up. You open your eyes, yawn, stretch and at this point one million things start coarsing throuhg your mind. Your remove the covers, step out of bed, walk to the bathroom, do your business, step into the shower, brush your teeth, get dressed and get ready for your day. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, the whole time you were doing all of this, your heart is beating, you are breathing, and myour muscles are contracting and relaxing.

We take these things for granted. I mean, why not right, we just do these things without thinking. But, there is a major force behind all of these things I mentioned, and all the things we do both consciously and unconscioulsy. Yes...I'm talking about the human brain.

What is a brain?
Okay, so your brain is wrinkled, soft and a little wet. It doesn't look like much. But it's made of more than 10 billion nerve cells and over 50 billion other cells and weighs less than 3 pounds! And it's the most extraordinary thing that you could possibly imagine! It monitors and regulates unconscious bodily processes like breathing and heart rate, and coordinates most voluntary movement. It's the site of consciousness, thought and creativity.

How does my brain communicate with my body?
Different parts of your brain do different things. Some areas receive messages from sense organs, others control balance and muscle coordination, still others handle speech, or emotion, memories, or basic motor skills, or complex calculations. You may think your heart is where you feel emotion, but it's really your brain. You may think your legs take you down the street, but it's your brain instructing the muscles in your legs to move. Your eyes may take in light and an image may be projected onto the pupil, but it's your brain that interprets what you get the picture.

All day long you are processing information and as you can imagine, your brain gets tired. At night, your body is literally paralized, and therefore, your brain doesn't have to worry about keeping it going. So, the brain during sleep files all the information during your day into memory and tries to make sense of what the hell you did all day. That is what dreams are. Muddled pictures and versions of things that popped into your head that day. Pretty crazy.

So, do me a favor people. Tomorrow when you wake up. Give your brain some credit. Say, thank you, and take care of it. Read books, solve puzzles, eat right...After all, your brain is the ultimate computer, and better than any laptop you could ever buy.

The human brain, it's kinda like... -C-


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. So your brain projects images onto your pupil, right? I'm assuming everyone's brain is different. Is it possible that my brain projects the color green to my pupils and someone else's in red or orange (from my point of view)? We would both always know it as green because, well, that's the way we've always known it. And what other way is there to describe a color than it's name? Oh snap... That's deep... -D-

  3. I love the complexity of the brain. Can it comprehend why websites use the 'word validation' system to confirm online orders, blog entries, etc.? These things are either A) impossible to read 2) don't work or D)stupid. I'd like to see a blog about this.

  4. Brian, I totally agree. What the hell is the word validation thing. I mean, sometimes I don't even think those are real words sometimes. I got you, my next blog entry will be about this shit.
